Outlook Configaration

After connecting to internet via Dataone ,
How to access Dataone e-mail and change the e-mail password?
i. Web MailGo to website: http://dataone.in. You can send and receive emails or change your email password (Your e-mail id will be same as login id).
ii. Server details for configuring Outlook express:
POP Server: smma.sancharnet.inSMTP Server: smra.sancharnet.in (For configuration help refer the outlook configuration procedure given)
iii. Change of password & Usage details:
Go to website: http://dataone.in,
click on Dataone "Account administration" link available on the Home page,
then type your dataone "UserId & Password", click on login,
Menu will be displayed on the left side of the next window,
choose the required link for change of password, usage details etc and
perform the required operation.
Configuring Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express for Dataone:
1. Open Outlook Express --> Click on Tools --> Click on Accounts
2. Click on Mail --> Click on Add -- Click on Mail
3. Fill - Display Name: e.g. A K Sharma
4. Click on Next --> Fill - E-mail address: e.g. aksharma@dataone.in
5. Click on Next --> Select My Incoming Mail Server is a POP3 Server
6. Fill - Incoming Mail (POP3) Server: smma.dataone.in
7. Fill Outgoing mail (SMTP) Server:smra.dataone.in
8. Click on Next --> Fill - Account name: e.g.aksharma@dataone.in
9. Un-tick Remember password --> Click on Next
10. Click on Finish --> Select the Account --> Click on Properties --> Click on Servers
11. Tick My Server requires authentication --> Click on Settings
12. Ensure that Use same settings as my incoming mail server is selected
13. Click on OK --> Click on Apply --> Click on OK --> Click on Close
You are ready to Send and Receive Mails through Dataone !!Happy Emailing !!!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Configuring Netscape Messenger for Dataone:
1. Open Netscape Messenger --> Click on Edit --> Click on Preferences
2. Click on Identity (under Mail & Newsgroups) --> Fill - Your Name: e.g. A K Sharma
3. Fill - Email address: e.g. aksharma@dataone.in
4. Click on Mail Servers (under Mail & Newsgroups) --> Under Incoming Mail Servers - Click on Add
5. Fill - Server Name:smma.dataone.in
6. Select Server Type as POP3 Server --> Fill - User Name: e.g. aksharma@dataone.in
7. Click on OK --> Under Outgoing Mail Server Fill - Outgoing mail (SMTP) server: smra.dataone.in
8. Fill - Outgoing mail server user name: e.g. aksharma@dataone.in --> Click on OK

You are ready to Send and Receive Mails through Dataone !!Happy Emailing !!!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Accessing Dataone Webmail
1. Goto website www.dataone.in
2. Fill mail user ID as aksharma@dataone.in
3. Fill password
4. Click on Login button to access Dataone webmail

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Steps for troubleshooting
2. I am not able to send the mails using Outlook Express
a) Probably you have not coinfigured dataone email in your Outlook Express.b) You have configured multiple Email accounts ( e.g. VSNL mail account) in your Outlook Express and default account for outgoing mail is other than Dataone Mail account. Some ISPs do not allow their SMTP access from network of other ISPs. Therefore you should make Dataone Mail as default account for all outgoing mails. c) Our SMTP server needs authentication. Make sure you have ticked the ‘ My server needs authentication’ in account properties while configuring the Outlook Express.
3. I am a Business customer having our own POP server or mails with own domain but want SMTP service for relaying mails.
BSNL does not provide SMTP relay service for mail IDs of other than Dataone.in or Sancharnet.in domain.